Just find your answers below:

When should I call my insurance company after I discover the damages to my property?

Most, if not all policies state that the Policyholder needs to provide immediate or prompt notice of a loss to the insurance company or the insurance agent. As such, you should call your insurance company or your insurance agent as soon as possible after discovering the damages to your property.

Can I make immediate repairs to my home?

Upon noticing damages to your property you should do your best to try to protect the property from suffering further damages. However, before making permanent repairs, make sure you notify your insurance company and that a representative of the insurance company had the opportunity to observe the damages to your property.

Do I need to comply with the requests made by my insurance company?

You should comply with your insurance company’s requests to the best of your ability. If you believe the insurance company’s requests are unreasonable, you should obtain representation if you have not done so already.

Should I obtain representation to assist me with my insurance claim?

Absolutely. The insurance company has adjusters and attorneys on its side, why shouldn’t you?

What do Public Adjusters do?

A public adjuster prepares, completes, or files an insurance claim for a Homeowner. He or she acts on behalf of the Homeowner and aids the Homeowner in negotiating or effecting the settlement of a claim or claims for damage covered by an insurance contract.

How long does my insurance company have to issue a decision in my claim?

Every claim is unique, and there are a lot of different things that could affect how long it takes to resolve your claim. However, under Florida law, an insurance company should pay or deny a claim, or a portion of the claim, within 90 days after receiving notice of an initial, reopened, or supplemental property insurance claim from a Homeowner, unless the failure to pay is caused by factors beyond the control of the insurance company, which reasonably prevent such payment. Fla. Stat. § 627.70131.

How much will it cost me to hire Silverberg|Brito, PLLC?

Silverberg|Brito, PLLC works on a contingency fee basis, which means we do not receive compensation if you do not recover in your case. Once a settlement or a judgment is obtained in your case, our attorney’s fees and costs will be recovered directly from the insurance company, at no cost to the Homeowner. Fla. Stat. § 627.428.

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